
Leading Italian producer of glass ampoules and vials for pharmaceutical, diagnostic and cosmetic applications.

Investment rationale:
Market positioning consolidation through a buy-and-build approach to launch the European leader in glass vial production and product portfolio expansion through vial sterilization service.

SM Pack September 2020
Crestani December 2021
Sicatef&Luxenia February 2024
Majority stake, add on acquisition
Packaging for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics industries
ESG commitment
Sustainable Development Goals

9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Business, Innovation, and Infrastructure implementation by constructing resilient infrastructures and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization to encourage innovation. We support each Portfolio Company in its production capacity growth through advanced technological systems, highly efficient machinery, new and cutting-edge production plants, and improved control of the use of resources.

12 – Responsible consumption and production
Embrace responsible consumption and production to reduce the per capita pollution produced by cities, particularly regarding air quality and waste management. We support each portfolio company through activities that aim to reduce CO2 pollution. We do so by controlling emissions and through systems that improve air quality as well as through tree planting initiatives.